
Thursday, January 6, 2011


Romeo Miller is thirsty for some Swedish chicas. Swedish blogger Kenza Zoutien is apparently his "dream girl, one of a kind, and his future wife". Even told his father he'd found the most perfect girl. Well damn Romeo, that serious huh?!

Romeo fell for his Juliet by looking at her pics and talking to her, that's what he thought at least. It was a fake page, so he wanted the real deal and reached out to another Swedish blogger who acted match maker. Read some of Romeo's tweeting regarding Kenza below.

Kenza answered she's not interested. Maybe.... cause she got a boyfriend! Bad look Romeo, HOME WRECKER! The boyfriend Aleks Subosic is a real karate kid so make sure you don't get your ass whooped Romeo.

Kenza Zouiten
What? Whaaat?

If you were to be interested in a girl/boy that's in a relationship, would you still go for it?



  1. Hej hej, vilken fin header<3
    btw: Ska vi följa varandra via bloglovin ( Om vi inte har gjort det) ? <3 ^.^

    Vad gör du just nu då?

  2. I would put my feeling out there but i want act on it until he was free again
